Per Florida State Statute 320.02, it is the registered owner’s responsibility to update Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) with their permanent residence address within 20 days of such change. The Notices were mailed to the legal registered address on record with the DHSMV at the time the toll was incurred.
When a vehicle is sold the previous owner must surrender the license plate to remove it from circulation or transfer it to another vehicle they may purchase or own. If this was not done, the previous owner will be responsible for any unauthorized use of the license plate unless it is not a Florida state plate. Each state has its own requirement as far as surrendering versus keeping the license plate. For an out-of-state license plate, the out-of-state motor vehicle record must be submitted.
By law, the registered owner is responsible for all tolls and fees, even if someone else uses that vehicle.
The owner of the vehicle is responsible for reporting to law enforcement that the license plate was stolen. A police report must be submitted. If the plate is unavailable to surrender, a Sworn Affidavit must have been sent to the Division of Motor Services to have the plate cancelled.
If paid by check, a copy of the front and back of a cashed check, a copy of the receipt or a copy of the bank statement must be submitted. If paid by credit card, a copy of the receipt or a copy of the credit card statement must be submitted.
Additionally, if your SunPass account had insufficient funds at the time of a toll transaction(s), a subsequent payment may have not settled the toll transaction(s) depending on how much time has elapsed. Such outstanding amounts may have already been reflected on an unpaid toll document mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle, and subsequently assigned to our firm for collection.
You must provide a copy of the SunPass statement showing that, at the time of violations, the tag had available funds and the violating plate was listed on the account.
If you are divorced, a full copy of the executed Divorce Decree, including the signature pages, and a copy of the DHSMV report must be submitted. You will only be responsible for those violations that occurred prior to the court awarding the vehicle to your ex-spouse.
Per Florida State Statute 320.02, it is the registered owner’s responsibility to update Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) with their permanent residence address within 20 days of such change. The Notices were mailed to the legal registered address on record with the DHSMV at the time the toll was incurred.